I can't believe yesterday was my Gateway Send-off. Seriously, I feel as though I was crowned a month ago. I have to thank absolutely everyone for helping me on my journey to prepare for Miss Missouri. Like I mentioned in a previous post, I have been working all year to make my feet grow bigger to fill the shoes of Miss Missouri. After yesterday, I know I have a lot of supporters praying with me that I will have the blessing to take a few steps in those shoes next Saturday.
I know only half of our year is over together, but I would remiss not thanking those who have helped me so much in preparing for Miss Missouri:
Thanks to everyone for coming out and sharing the day with my sister queens and I! Karen, Kara, and Kate, I am so happy to have your family involved in the Miss Missouri Little Sister program. I treasure Kate as my Little Sister and am so blessed to have shared the past 4 years with her. Karen, you are amazing. I have loved having you as my host mom and I cannot wait to share in the exciting adventures we will have this year! Charlee, Morgan, and Jillian, I couldn't have asked for better sister queens. I have loved getting to know you all better and grow closer with each one of you. You all are going to do great and I will be there cheering on each one of your names!! Mal and Gary, thanks for being... you. You are the support, the rock, and the love in Gateway, donating your time, energy, and expertise to all aspect of our service. Gina, Mary, and Kerri, you have made an undeniable difference in me. Thank you for helping me become the best version of me that I can be.
Thanks to my mom and dad, without whom we would have not had the send-off, and without whom I would be lost. Thank you for being my second planner and helping me in every way you possibly can. My success in life is as much yours as it is mine. I love you both.
Well, tomorrow I begin my next rotation, Rheumatology as a YEAR 4 student! Sunday, I leave for Miss Missouri!! Again, thank you so much for your support through my year thus far!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Serving at Sojourner
While I have been busy this year working for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals, appearing as Miss Gateway to the West, studying for Pathology, working in my clinic, and preparing for Miss Missouri, most Sundays have been prioritized for volunteering at Sojourner Health Clinic, the free clinic for downtown Kansas City, Missouri. You can read all about what I've been doing this year in my other entries regarding the holidays and ounces of prevention. Also, find more about Sojourner at their website.
Sojourner Health Clinic inspired my platform of Doctoring it up: Adding preventative medicine to our health care. Through my volunteer experiences, I learned that by providing underprivileged individuals with the preventative and maintainable health care that they needed and deserved, not only did their quality of life improve (it's always a blessing to hear about a patient who was able to find a job after we were able to help them control their health issues), but also we had fewer visits to the ER for outpatient disorders (heartburn, allergies, malnutrition, infections, etc.).
I have been working with the Columbia Duffers Club for almost a year, raising funds to donate to the Health Clinic as well as purchasing toiletries and basic hygiene items for the patients. Together we have raised over $1,000 for the Clinic. Currently, I am writing, drafting, and redrafting a bill to include financial allocation toward preventative medicine for Missouri hospitals. Hopefully, it will allow more clinics to be founded, allow older clinics to expand, and expand the care basis for Missouri's hospitals while relieving their emergency room burden. More than money, Sojourner sees 20-25 patients each week, every week of the year. In one month, one hundred people have made steps toward a healthier life. The object of preventative medicine is to help individuals take control of their health instead of letting their health take control of them. Sojourner giving control back to a lot of individuals who have lost almost everything else. Sojourner doesn't supply just medicine, it gives hope and encouragement.
I know a lot of people oppose free clinics, but seeing this hope and encouragement resonate with our patients as they take control of their health eliminates all my questions and reservations. Seeing this change in people inspires me to do whatever I can to help the organization who provides this support. I wanted to share a day in clinic with you, thanks to our UMKC-Medical School photographer, Bob. Thanks for letting me use the pictures!
Costco: Cutting costs so you can donate more!
Last weekend, I made my final trip to St. Louis before Miss Missouri... :-(. The Gateway Crew and I had a wonderful time encouraging each other as we performed our finalized talents and showing our evening gowns. I want to thank you all for helping us prepare for Miss Missouri and Miss MO OT. Mal, Gina, Mary, Kerri, and Gary, you have all been wonderful and so supportive. Our performances are as much your successes as they will be ours.
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Now this couple was priceless! Loved their playful teasing about plans for their garden. :-) |
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Even STL's finest donated! |
But, no trip to STL is complete without some community service, especially when Costco, one of my favorite grocery and supply stores, is having a day devoted to raising money for our favorite organization: Children's Miracle Network Hospitals (CMNH). My teen sister queens, Charlee and Morgan, joined me in talking with Costco customers, sharing stories of CMNH families and kiddos, and asking them to donate to this important cause. I loved meeting new friends. I spent our short visit sharing my experiences working with CMNH, visiting Children's Hospitals, and working in a hospital with CMNH recipients. I was also blessed to listen to their stories about their families, their weekday menu occupying their grocery cart, and their oh-so-many birthday cakes that passed by (I loved seeing their interests reflected in the cake decorations... my favorite: a caterpillar cake for a three year old boy who loves collecting bugs). With all the joyful conversations from the day, I'm surprised we remembered our mission to raise money for CMNH. But proudly, we were able to present the store with an extra $197.13 on top of the donations the cashiers were accepting upon customer check-out! I qualify any day spent making new friends and raising almost $200 for CMNH as a day well spent. :-)
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My boy with the caterpillar cake. Happy Birthday, Joel!! |
Thank you Mom, Meri Lyn, and Mal for coming with us! (And for sharing the dark chocolate covered pomegranate seeds!!)
Helping Miss Missouri's future fill a little black bag
I love the Miss America Outstanding Teen program. Not only are these amazing teens immersed in a positive environment to develop their talents, speech, and health, but also they are mentored and encouraged as the future of Miss America! I have already talked about my adventures with Charlee Bisch and Morgan Carnes, my teen sister queens in most of my trips to St Louis, but there are 26 other outstanding teens that are working hard to make a difference. Imagine, five years from now, the 13 year-olds competing for the Miss Missouri teen title will be competing for Miss Missouri. I am fortunate to have been involved in Miss Missouri long enough to see our first group of teens graduate to the Miss division of competition, and I believe that it is the teen organization that has made these astonishing ladies the mature women with whom I am honored to share the Miss Mo stage.
Jocelyn Weyer, Miss Northeast Counties Outstanding Teen, is one of these amazing 13 year olds that will be competing for Miss MO OT in one week! This year, the teen contestants were charged with a little black bag to fill with donations for Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. This being Jocelyn's first year, I volunteered to help her raise donations for CMNH. So, the first sunny afternoon found us on the busiest street corner here in northern Kansas City supporting this much needed organization. We had a blast with our laminated signs and summer dresses, stopping traffic to bring smiles and accept donations!! And proudly, we raised....(insert drum roll here) over $145!! Needless to day, the little black bag was filled to the brim, and hopefully, Jocelyn was encouraged to continue her diligent work toward competing for Miss Missouri Outstanding Teen, and in 5 years who knows, maybe Miss Missouri :-).
Thanks Renee and Jocelyn for sharing such a wonderful afternoon with me! Best of luck next week at Miss Mo OT!
Be sure to follow Jocelyn's travels as Miss Northeast Counties Outstanding Teen at jocelynweyer.missnortheastcounties.org
Surviving the Lion's Den
I apologize for not posting most of this month. I have been locked in a cave, a den of lions as it were, studying for a USMLE Step 1 board exam that was chosen for my Pathology final. Never before have I been so frightened of a piece of paper with questions on it! We were given this month to prepare for this intimidating test, and I have seen more of my office than I care to admit! But just as God delivered Daniel from the lions, He has delivered me from this test!! And I can finally say, "I AM DONE WITH PATHOLOGY!!!! I AM A YEAR 4 MEDICAL STUDENT!!!!!" I have not felt this victorious since finishing my first 5K. Regardless of my lockdown, I knew the best way to relieve stress was to serve others through Sojourner, CMN, and the Miss Missouri Organization (aka doing what I love). I hope you enjoy the next few posts in which I will be recounting May's adventures when I was able to escape from the lions.
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